From an administrative point of view, Spitsbergen belongs to Norway. |
Mining activities have shaped the face of Longyerabyen. |
Colorful houses in Longyearbyen. |
Flight from longyearbyen to our starting point: Nt Alesund. |
Icy runway in Ny Alesund. |
Kongsfjorden. |
Towards Kongsvegen. |
Behind the Tre Kroner. |
Hauling up Millarpasset.
Trappers hut Austfjordneset. |
The bear-proof refrigerator of Austfjordneset. |
Some of its contents. Seal. |
Ascending Tryggvebreen. |
Tryggvebreen. |
Tryggvebreen. |
Camp in the Atomfjellet mountains. |
On the summit ridge of Perriertoppen. |
Atomfjellet. |
Crossing from Tryggvebreen to Gallerbreen. |
Snow in the air. |
Vast expanses. |
Camp on Chydeniusfjella. |
Towards Newtontoppen (on the right). |
Eliane on the summit of Newtontoppen. |
Roger on the summit of Newtontoppen. |
View from the summit of Newtontoppen. |
Roger on Newtontoppen. |
View from Newtontoppen. |
Polar bear tracks. |
More polar bear tracks. |
Pastel shades on the Skolten mountain in the low evening light. |