Thursday, June 1, 2006

Spitsbergen 2006

From an administrative point of view, Spitsbergen belongs to Norway.
Mining activities have shaped the face of Longyerabyen.
Colorful houses in Longyearbyen.
Flight from longyearbyen to our starting point: Nt Alesund.
Icy runway in Ny Alesund.


Towards Kongsvegen.
Behind the Tre Kroner.

Hauling up Millarpasset.

Shooting exercise.
Descending Lisbetbreen towards Vestfjorddalen and Austfjorden.
Trappers hut Austfjordneset.

The bear-proof refrigerator of Austfjordneset.

Some of its contents. Seal.

Ascending Tryggvebreen.
Camp in the Atomfjellet mountains.
On the summit ridge of Perriertoppen.

Crossing from Tryggvebreen to Gallerbreen.

Snow in the air.

Vast expanses.

Camp on Chydeniusfjella.
Towards Newtontoppen (on the right).
Eliane on the summit of Newtontoppen.

Roger on the summit of Newtontoppen.

View from the summit of Newtontoppen.

Roger on Newtontoppen.

View from Newtontoppen.
Skking down from newtontoppen.
In the mist.

Break at an abondoned hut in Gipsdalen, on our way to Tempelfjorden.

Tempelfjorden Area.

Breathing hole of a seal.

Crossing Tempelfjorden.

Ship frozen in in Tempelfjorden.


Relics of the mining history of Spitsbergen.
Polar bear tracks.
More polar bear tracks.

Pastel shades on the Skolten mountain in the low evening light.